- 60ml Treats up to 1,800 litres of water, much higher dilution rates than competitors; other pack sizes are available for larger volumes of water.
- The best fountain and water feature, total water sterilisation and protection against algae and green water in all water recirculation systems, Shelf life of three years.
- Fountain safe water feature cleaner, Non-foaming and safe to use on all types of materials like stone, resin, metals, including stainless steel and brass.
- Effective against bacteria, including Legionella (Legionnaires' Disease).
- Equally effective in hard water, once diluted, this product is non-toxic and safe for animals and birds; however, do not use if fish are present.
Shock / Initial Dose: Hydra Fountain Clear
Use at 1: 10,000 (1 ml per 10-litre water) for algae and green water contaminated water system.
Maintenance Doses: Hydra Fountain Clear
Use at 1:30,000 (1 ml per 30 litres) to protect clean water from algae and green water (single-cell algae) contamination. Treat weekly-monthly depending on local conditions.
Note: DO NOT USE in water systems with fish, plants, and other aquatic life.
Fountains and water features are often fed by tap water which contains excess nutrients such as phosphates. Even when utilising rainwater, airborne nutrients soon start to pollute this water. Animals and birds using this water add their pollutants to the mix.
These nutrients act as a food source for slime type algae, including filamentous algae, characteristically blanket weed which spreads in the form of long filaments, quickly covering the water surface with a woven filamentous growth and single-cell algae (which cause water to look green).
Nature's way is if there is a food source, moisture and sunlight, something will grow, as there are always trillions of spores in the atmosphere waiting for their opportunity to germinate.
A nice clear water feature or garden fountain will start getting problems with biofilms within a couple of weeks from installation.
Nobody wants their water feature to look unsightly with slime type algae, filamentous algae and single-cell algae (which cause water to look green).
These pumps often become blocked with blanket weed and long filaments of algae, reducing water flow or, in worst-case scenarios, causing the pump to overheat and burn out.
As well as unsightly algae contamination, water can contain other harmful organisms. Hydra Fountain Clear - water feature treatment will reduce microbes by 99.9% in less than 3 hours, such as: Escherichia coli, Streptococcus agalactiae, Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Legionella pneumophila (responsible for Legionnaires Disease).
Discharge of the low concentrations commonly used in fountains poses no environmental threat. Because of its rapid hydrolysis, Hydra Fountain Clear is not recommended for use in systems above pH 9.0.
I want a clean fountain; how do I achieve this?
How do I get clean fountain water?
Which is the best bird-safe fountain algae control product to use?
I have algae in my water feature. How do I remove it?
Which is the best water treatment for water features?
I am looking for the most effective & easy to use fountain water treatment?
I want a clear water fountain system?
What are the most effective fountain algae cleaners?
The fastest way to clean algae from the fountain?
Best way to clean fountain algae from my garden water feature?
What are the best bird-safe fountain algae control products?
How to keep fountain water clean?
How do I keep the water clean in a fountain?
Is fountain algae control vinegar the best way to clean my fountain?
How to look after water features fountains that get algae slime and green water?
The best product to clean your fountain or water feature is Hydra Fountain Clear, which saves hours of work manually cleaning your system. Simply add a shock dose, and it will start to clear within a couple of days. Then use a maintenance dose, retreating water every week/month as applicable.
Shock dose system with Hydra Fountain Clear at 1ml per 10 litres of water.
Retreat weekly with Hydra Fountain Clear at 1ml per 30 litres of water in the system,
or manually clean the water system and refill with clean water.
Retreat weekly with Hydra Fountain Clear at 1ml per 30 litres of water in the system.
When looking for the best and most cost-effective product for water feature cleaning, there is only one solution: Hydra Fountain Clear Fountain Water Cleaner.
Our products are manufactured to the highest specifications at our UK plant, which is accredited to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.